Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Other Side

I want to take a trip to the other side.  Just for a day. 

Did someone ever tell you that you aren't easy to love?  Words not spoken are louder than bombs.  I want to take a trip to the other side to say a few things.  I'm sorry for the silence you were dying to avoid.

Remember that future we clung to?  Big ideas give birth to disappointment.  But the labor pains, they're no big deal. 

I want to go to the place where memories are intact.  Just to be reminded of those things I love.  Like you. 

I bet you're in love with your new reflection.  But this time, you won't drown from staring too long.  We all deserve a little less self-loathing.  The other side is the reward for the weak.

There I was; just a little kid.  "Sir, what is heaven like?"

That man had some crazy ideas.  Crazy ideas give birth to a life well lived.  But the labor pains, they hurt like hell. 

On the other side, do old friends reunite?  I have some words I never got to say.  Words not spoken are louder than bombs. 

I want to go to the place where only rich men fight in rich men's battles.  Just to see a world where war ceases to exist.  Those rich men don't like getting dirty.  They will fight like hell to live forever.

I want to take a trip to the other side.  Just for a day.  Just to hear an old friend talk without a stutter.  And to see him walk at a normal pace.

I would visit that old man who won't recognize me.  Maybe, on the other side, he would call me, "son".

There I was, approaching my angst.  I took the road less traveled.  "Sir, do you believe in Heaven?"

That man, he had it all figured it out.  "There has to be some place better than here."  Two weeks later, our preacher gave us the news.  That man was about to find out if he was right.

I want to take a trip to the other side.  Just to hear him say, "Told you so".

I want to take a trip to the other side.  Just for a day.

I would wander the streets calling out names of those I once knew.  And if I heard their replies, I would say a few things.  Because words not spoken are louder than bombs.

There I'd be, embracing my faith.  Breathing in the fresh air of the other side. 

I'd probably ask just one question.  "Sir, what is heaven like?"

And someone I once knew and loved would probably talk about beauty.  Beautiful ideas give birth to hope.  And the labor pains are only temporary.

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