Thursday, October 10, 2013

Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger, gone but not forgotten.

I know her name because I was up late one night; scanning the pages of perfect smiles.  I can't believe it's been seven years.

Beautiful stranger has a lot of friends.  Even still.

I was in love with a girl like her.  Seems like a lifetime ago. Even her name still gives me chills.  Even her smile still sticks in my brain.

We used to talk about children; swing sets specifically.  Something about a big dog and a 30 year mortgage.  I think we covered it all.  But it didn't work out.

If we had reached the altar.  If dreams came true.  If she was still walking among us.  I swear, she'd be a beautiful stranger to everyone else. 

Beautiful stranger taught me some things.  Life leaves a bad reaction.  A blend of fear and passion. 
Honey, we are just skin and shoes.  And everything else is soul. 

I was in love with a girl like her.  Seems like yesterday.  Even her blue eyes still stare back at me.  Even her hands still seem stuck in my pockets.  We all want to be safe and warm.  We all wish summer would never end.

Beautiful stranger can't tell tales.  She leaves that to us.  She's probably sitting on a cloud.  And it rains when she cries.  And maybe, she's grateful for all these new friends; these new friends she never met.  Like me.  And maybe, she talks to that girl like her and together, it rains when they cry. 

Honey, we are just skin and shoes.  And everything else is soul. 

Life leaves a beautiful reaction.  A perfect blend of fear and passion.


  1. Just beautiful. It is amazing how someone can touch our life . How the smallest thing can change a person's perspective. You see things others do not see. You are an old soul , you know what it means to observe , to be observant. And you share those observations. To inform, to amuse, to enlighten, to make others feel.

  2. This is one of my very favorites now -- I was crying so hard when reading it. Thank you.

  3. Wonderfully written,Beautiful story....You are an amazing writer...Thanks so much for sharing these with us <3
