Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dead Letter Post Office

Dear Writers Block, where are you when I need you most?  Shut me up before I am shut out.  And if I should shut down, don't shut the door on my dreams.  Oh Writer's Block, where are you when I need you most?  Stop whispering indifference into my ear.

Should I come to terms that those words will never again be said?  Like I did at ten.  Are they being withheld for a king's ransom?  Say something before I say too much.

Here's a pen.  A piece of paper.  A cup of  coffee.  A cigarette.
Dear Diary, are we over yet?

Should I come to terms that the best of us has come and gone?  Dear Temporary Insanity, please plead the fifth.  It was just a sip from the devil's cup.  Dear Conscience, I'm not giving up.  Say something before I say too much.

Here's a mirror.  A hair brush.  Makeup.  And your drug of choice.
Say hello to the one you love.  Dear Writer's Block, where are you when I need you most?  Stop me before I start.

Remember what I put you through?  Remember that I remember, too.  Dear Rewritten Past, I no longer believe in your version of you.  Say something remotely true.  Then, rewritten past, we can start anew.

Should I come to terms that it was all a momentary lapse of reasoning?  Dear Unanswered Questions, silence is neither friend nor foe.  Dear Apathy, you're a better friend than indifference.  Say something before I say too much.

Here's a telephone and a gentle nudge.
Dear Priorities, how did you lose my number?  Your insignificant other taps his toes.  And he waits.  And he waits.  Dear Writer's Block, where are you when I need you most?   

Dear Conscience, I've packed your bags so you can take a vacation.  Dear Ambition, please come home.  Should I come to terms that empathetic whispers are only heard by a few?  Dear Empathetic Screams, tell me this isn't true. 

Dear Unrequited Love, you aren't as bad as I once believed.  Those days were much safer.  Much calmer.  Less anxiety.  Dear Unused Medication, when did you become temptation proof?  Dear Masochistic Me, take one pill.  Comfortably numb or uncomfortably alive, Dear Masochistic Me, never change.

Here's a scalpel.  A band aid.  And a napkin for you.
Dear Beautiful You, how does my heart taste? 

Dear Writer's Black, where are you when I need you most?  Say something before I say too much.  And if I say too much, stop me before I am too late.  Dear Writers Block, never censor me. 

Should I come to terms that this is me?  Dear Abandonment Issues, don't leave me now.  We've come so far together.  Dear Neurosis, stop chewing your nails.  Should you come to terms that this is me, Dear Writers Block, you will no longer be needed.

Dear Writers Block, where are you when I need you most?  Say something if I should say too much.

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