Thursday, April 18, 2013

Truths are told and Lies are sold

"Truths are told and Lies are sold".

As a kid, like most kids, I considered myself an excellent liar. 

"How come you don't have a dad?"
"My dad is an astronaut.  He works for NASA and spends most of his time in outer space."

The bigger the lie, the more believable it is.  Politicians and children know this.

As a child, my lies weren't always this grand. 

I remember an instance when mom asked, "Did you eat all the ice cream in the freezer?"  With chocolate stains formed on my chin, I replied, "No, I swear it wasn't me.  I came into the kitchen and saw Smokey on the counter licking the whole carton".

I was trying to sell my story.  Specific details, unnecessary details that defied logic to sell this lie.

"So, you're telling me that Smokey, our 80 pound dog, jumped onto the kitchen counter, opened the freezer, used his paws to grab the ice cream carton, removed the lid and then proceeded to eat a gallon of ice cream?"

"Yes, mom.  I was doing my homework and watching TV over on the couch."

When people are attempting to be deceptive, they will toss in descriptive details to make the lie sound more believable.   It's a subconscious need to overcompensate for fear that your lie will be recognized.

With children, it's forgivable.  With adults, not so much.

Regardless where one stands in the gun control debate or one's opinion of President Obama, any person with integrity and half a brain, will know this president has been dishonest during this gun control issue. 

How do I know this?  Because he has been busy trying to sell his story.  Truth never needs to be sold.  Using children as props, saying the loss of "innocent" children must be stopped by removing a certain type of weapon is manipulative and disingenuous.

Politicians are very adept at using manipulative adjectives like "innocent" when they want their agenda passed.  So, are the children our government kills in third world countries with drones less "innocent" than our children who are killed by one lunatic?

What's the difference between a serial killer like Ted Bundy who kills 20 women and a politician in a suit that invades a country or uses drones to kill thousands?  There is no difference except, thousands is a bigger number than the serial killer's 20 murders.

Remember when Madeleine Albright, the Secretary of State under President Clinton. stated that the murder of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it?

Were those children less "innocent" than the 20 plus children that may have been killed in Sandy Hook? 


Now, I'm not really out to attack Obama because the last few presidents we've had, all have been disturbingly big liars.

Just last week, V.P. Joe Biden stated, "“Nothing we are going to do is going to fundamentally alter or eliminate another mass shooting." 

Finally, someone is telling the truth.  He didn't start talking about "innocent" children or tell horrific details about crime victims being shot to death.  He simply stated what any person with integrity and half a brain knows.... gun laws only hurt law abiding citizens.

Of course, Biden didn't mean to tell the truth but this freudian slip truth reveals that stricter gun laws have absolutely nothing to do with stopping crime or saving "innocent" children.  

You can do the math why "they" want to do away with guns at this specific moment in time.  I'll give some clues:  Go look at what the Dept. of Homeland Security is spending their budget on.  Go ask any non-partisan economist about the upcoming dollar collapse.  Go read the words of all the politicians that are saying a new world order or world government is on the way.

Here I will help.... Joe Biden, April 10th, "“The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order."

These aren't conspiracy theories.  These are facts.  When the dollar collapses, gas prices will literally be inflated to 3000% in one day.  No gas means no food in stores.  Our bank accounts will literally contain nothing but worthless paper and thin air.  There will be riots everywhere.  The expenditures on weapons and military vehicles purchased by the DHS will be in full force.  Our guns are the only thing standing in "their" way.

That is a fact. 

This isn't an attempt to scare anyone or attack the current president.  This has been in the works for decades.  We are just now finally reaching the end game.

But "truthfully", this is about all the lies we are being fed daily and the conditioning they've prepared us for over the last few decades.

If you want to know if your politician is lying to you, listen carefully.  He or she will sound just like you did when you were a child.


  1. LOVING IT - do you send writings to e-mails?>

  2. I am not into politics and don't really care to listen to it..It has been my opinion for long time that the President/Government are full of lies and deceit.. if they are not that way when they get in the White House they soon become like the others in the past..Anyways I love your Blog on this and feel the same way..Thanks a bunch.
