Saturday, March 30, 2013

Love Hard

It just might be my favorite movie quote of all time.

I've got two black eyes from the lack of sleep.  I have a toilet bowl coated with my stomach contents yet I haven't been eating.  Waist down, I can't function.  Desire is a thing of my past.  I hate women.  I hate men.  I hate my creator.  I hate laughter.  I'm listening to my favorite song on REPEAT.  I'm laying in bed waiting to die.

I believe almost everyone has been in that place.

Mr. "Shit Happens" once gave me a pep talk after a breakup.  He loosened his belt, looked me square in the face and said, man up

Mr. Shit Happens is a lonely man. 

I don't give a shit who he is or who you are; if it doesn't hurt, it isn't love.

I told Mr. Shit Happens what I thought of his overexagerrated masculinity.  Boys don't cry?  Boys do cry.  Grown men cry.  Mr. Shit Happens is one rejection away from rethinking who he is really is... Mr. Cliche.

There's other fish in the sea.
When life hands you a lemon, you fucking make lemonade.

I get angry when the assholes of the world unite to sing the praises of John Wayne during a moment of despair.

I have seen Snoop Dogg cry when he repeated his wedding vows with his wife.  I know love when I see it.

When you love someone completely, you should be completely disfunctional when that love is removed from your life.  Indifference is the polar opposite of passion.  I choose passion.

There's only one thing worth living for and it's also worth dying for:  love.

Most marriages may fail.  Men, women looking to trade up.  Mr. Low Self Esteem and Mrs. Bored Housewife getting cold feet; years after their wedding vows.  I'll take my chances. 

I've got a hole in my heart and it exists because I loved hard. 

There are millions of stories of men and women who lost the will to live once their other half died.  They loved hard.  And I guarantee you that not a single one of those couples would have done a damn thing differently.

Fuck.  I would take a sad ending if it meant a lifetime of happy in-betweens because there really are no sad endings if we are given the happy in-betweens.

I am really scared right now.  Not for me but for someone I love.  I have to remind myself, "it's not about me.  It's about her."  I have to be strong.  I have to show strength.  I have to use the very strength she taught me.

I tend to look ahead and forget the present or I tend to look behind and ignore today. 

I was watching our movie.  It's that scene that gets me everytime.  Father says to son, "let's go and get the shit beat out of us by love".  And I'm thinking, "Now, that is a father.  To teach your son to risk it all for love and to warn him at the same time that heartbreak is a real possibility... now, that is something all boys should learn young."

If I have a son, I will tell him that being a man is all about fighting for the one you love.  I will teach him that respecting a woman is defined by how you speak of her and treat her when she is NOT around.  And I will tell my son, that if it doesn't hurt, it isn't love.

And If I have a daughter, I will tell her that her worth is not defined by how she looks or dresses but by the mere fact, she is a girl; a younger version of a woman.  I will make damn sure she makes men fight for her and earn her.  Then I will mention, if it doesn't hurt, it isn't love.

Fuck, being in love and being loved is all anyone should want out of this short lived life we live.

It's not live hard and die young.  It's love hard and die.  No regrets.  No what ifs.

The things I can't wait to teach my children.

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