Monday, December 2, 2013

Wake Me

Wake me up when the audition is over.  Are we more than friends or friends no more?  Say it's a role of a lifetime yet seems to be a lifetime away.  Wake me up when your mind is made.

It was an easy transition from nothing to you.  There was no audition to put me through.  Say it was my smile or my boyish charm.  I replay those days in my head and still can't recall how I got you. 

Wake me up when the war is over.   Tell her, I am coming home.  It's raining bullets and so much hate.  They, like me and me, like them.  Wake me up so I can escape.

Why God must I believe in You?  It would be much easier to deny all this.  But somewhere, someone speaks the truth.  It was an easy transition from nothing to You.  I'm in no condition to deny what is true.

Back at home, it's raining fear; a manifestation of sorts.  She counts the days for my arrival.  Wake me up when she's finally in my arms.

Do you love me or just the man you thought I could be?  Was it just an idea or something tangible?  Pull out my heart, I will feed it to anyone.  I'm just a man and you're a cannibal.  Wake me up when dinner is served.

I can have my way with you.  Anytime, anywhere.  If it was yesterday. 

You hang onto my every word.  Every missed call, each and every lie.  Say what you are thinking now.  If I could read minds, I'd hear what I don't want to hear.  Wake me up yesterday.

Where did I go wrong?  Was I just an experiment?  Certain words should never be hard to say.  Pride should never get in the way.  It was an easy transition from alone to lonely; easier than it should be.   Every martyr has his crucifixion and I've been hanging past day three.  Wake me up on a more joyous holiday.

Wake me up when this movie is over.  Preferably, at happily every after.  Nothing ever makes sense until the credits roll.  Why God am I the leading actor of a silent film?  It would be much easier to speak what's on my mind.  Say that there will be a happy ending and I'll admit I'm not so good at pretending. Because that is all that acting is.

Wake me up when the audition is done.  I'll pull out my heart and feed it to anyone. 

But it's you and only you...

Don't wake me up if we are through.

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