Friday, March 15, 2013

Wait, Mr. President, I'm not finished

There's a bill floating around in Congress titled the "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act".  Basically, the bill stipulates that all internet firms and providers must immediately comply with any emergency measure or act developed by the Department of Homeland Security.

In other words, it is a bill that will give Dictator President Obama abolute power over the internet.  The president who already has nationalized the banking industry, the auto industry, and health care will now have the absolute power to shut off the internet based on what he perceives to be a national "emergency".

President Obama will, in more common terms, have a "kill swiitch" when it comes to the internet.  Basically, it is similiar to what China recently did regarding Google when the Chinese government temporarily removed Google's access to their citizens or what Middle Eastern countries have done by removing access to MySpace or Facebook to their people.

Not only does this administration want our guns, have a desire to nationalize the private sector; they now want our internet.

In regards to allowing Adolf Barrack Obama the power to shut off the internet when he deems necessary, my question is...

Is there any likely scenario where the internet is an immediate danger to the government, or the people?

I can't think of one.

Maybe, there is just cause to give our president this authority.

But on a more serious note, let's say President Obama is sitting in his oval office one night.  He gets a report from the CIA saying that terrorists are about to fly some airplaces on the information super highway straight into Facebook and blow up the millions of people who happen to be on Facebook at that moment.  Let's say, hypothetically, this is about to happen and actually makes sense, and the president then pushes his red button to shut down the internet briefly..

What happens to people who are not on Facebook and spend most of their online time here:

What happens if I or you are in the middle of watching porn
and then suddenly, by one push of a button by our President, we see this:

There are many reasons why the American people should be worried when our government wants to control every aspect of our lives but nothing is scarier than the thought of watching porn and then it gets turned off before one is finished

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