Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thirty Two

“I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze.  But I think maybe it's both.  Maybe both are happening at the same time.”

That feather; floating randomly but with purpose, all these years later, still leaves this image in my mind. 

Maybe it was the haunting piano theme that played or maybe it's simply because it was such a quiet yet symbolic way to end a movie that was both heartbreaking and inspiring.

Maybe, it's the irony of who I saw it with and where I saw it.

Maybe, it's because I vehemently reject this notion that anything is an accident.  That anything is random. 

At birth, thirty two seemed impossible.  She'll admit that if you push her hard enough.

But I don't dare.

We see the world differently than the other.

She thinks that feather is floating accidental like, with no purpose; as if wind is just some aimless anomaly.  And I've come to the belief that wind is the breath of God.  And that feather has a divine purpose.

At birth, thirty two seemed impossible.  And she knows that.

My glass is always half empty.  Except when it comes to her.  Or us.  Or them.  Or him.

I saw that movie with him.  Twice.
Eight years before he left. 
Ironically, he left at the age of thirty two.

At birth, thirty two seemed impossible.  And she knows damn well that is the truth.

Everything is ironic.

He left at thirty two.
If I had never met him, I never meet her five years later.

Because that is how life works. 

A friend of a friend of a friend from a different time and a different place.  Everything so neatly sewn in a perfect storm with a carefully crafted script. 

From my lips to God's ears
A tragic ending and a new beginning
From Uncle to a snapshot
The blind leading the blind
To questions without answers
And everything but silence is now taboo
To marching to our own drummer
On the backs of the huddled masses
Embracing whatever we are told
As if life is just an accident
As if the breath of God has gone cold

At birth, thirty two seemed impossible.

And she'll admit it if you push her hard enough.

But I don't dare.

We see the world differently than the other.


  1. wow... I'll be thinking about this one... ♥

  2. accidental? preordained ? who knows... but if something is accidentally meant to be, then you were meant to write and we were meant to be friends.
