Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hey, Control Freaks, You're not the boss of me

The control freaks are back.  Not that they went anywhere or ever do. 

You know who I'm talking about...  They're usually rich, powerful... they believe they are all knowing.  Under the guise of "compassion", they tell us what is best for our lives and what is best for society.   They're hypocritical, almost always liberal, and most of all, they're arrogant.

We've got a control freak in the White House, hundreds of them in Congress and even more in Hollywood.

Control freaks are the ones who tell us what we can and cannot eat, where we can and cannot smoke.  They even tell us what we can and cannot smoke. 

Control Freaks in Washington will tell us we can't be trusted with guns to protect our families and property as they walk into every building with armed bodyguards by their sides.  Hell, the control freaks in Washington will even sell guns to our enemies in other countries while trying to disarm us.

About a year ago, some control freaks in Hollywood started appearing in commercials telling us we can't be trusted with guns.  And as soon as their 30 second self-righteous commercial ended, it was back to the violent gun shooting movie they themselves were starring in. 

Control freaks even like to tell us how to spend our paychecks.  They like to take a percentage of our own hard earned money and decide how to spend it.   Somehow, they have conditioned us to believe that taxes are patriotic and compassionate. 

Find me a person that believes social programs are intended to help people while having nothing to do with control and I will show that person the real reason why taxes are raised every year.  In fact, I will let the father of modern liberal government do the speaking:

Lyndon B. Johnson
“I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”.

I don't think this infamous quote needs explaining. 

Control freaks don't just stop at spending our own money, they even play God by determining who has the right to live or die.  But they're clever... they use terms like "pro-choice" and "fetus" to dehumanize that heart beating human being with his or her own unique DNA structure growing inside the womb..  It's funny to me that living people who were given a chance to succeed or fail in life believe a child's life is merely a choice.  But as I said, control freaks are arrogant.  They believe their lives are more important than mine or yours.

But I'll be fair... If you are one of those pro-choice people who simply believe abortion is not about control,  I will let the Mother and Creator of Planned Parenthood do the talking:

Margaret Sanger
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."

Maybe that's why control freaks have built abortion clinics in every poor neighborhood in our country.

Let's be honest, if control freaks were really concerned about choice and letting us dictate what we do with our own bodies, pot wouldn't be illegal, prostitution would be fine, and wearing a seat belt wouldn't be a law.

I could go on and on about control freaks.  I could mention that those who start wars never send their own children.  Control freaks will determine the lives of our children while keeping their own out of harm's way.   I could give many examples of certain policies and agendas right now at work that were authored by control freaks. 

But really, this is about something less serious; something so ridiculous that I can't help but write about it.  The control freaks have sunk even lower....

Beyonce came out this week calling for a ban on the word "bossy".  That's right, the woman married to Jay Z, the rapper that calls women "bitches" and "hos", is asking US to stop using the word "bossy".  Why?  Because it promotes sexism.  That's what this liberal celebrity control freak is asking us to do.  Calling a woman a bitch is fine.  Calling them bossy is bad.

But it got me thinking... I'm not exactly a control freak but maybe, I could be a little self-righteous and join this new movement of telling others what is and what is not acceptable to say. 

There are quite a few words and phrases I believe should be outlawed:

1.  fetus- it promotes murder.  Have you ever heard a pregnant woman say, "I can't wait until my fetus is born and becomes a human being"?  As I said earlier, fetus exists only to dehumanize babies.  It's to elicit a disconnect between mother and growing baby.  In other words, it's to make you feel better if you decide to go to a doctor and have that doctor snap that baby's spine and vacuum out his or her brains.

2.  lover- this word just irritates me.  It's pretentious.  It's ridiculous.  You aren't Shakespeare.  If you're sleeping with someone, use any other term but lover.  Please.

3.  making love-  Seriously, these two words put together make me sick.  This phrase makes me want to stab those who use it.   Ladies, if you meet a man that refers to sex as making love, run.  Or kill him.  I don't care just get away from him.  It's creepy.

4.  actually-  the most overused word in existence.  It means nothing.  It's unnecessary.  While we're at it, lets ban the phrase "to be honest".  When someone uses "actually" or "to be honest", they're probably about to tell a lie.  There is no reason that word or that phrase should ever be used unless you are trying to oversell  your next statement.

And lastly...

5.  progressive- it's a condescending term intended to alienate anyone that doesn't agree with the control freak's idea of morality.  We have been conditioned to believe that having old time family values is a thing of the past.  If I tell someone I am against gay marriage, a "progressive" will come along and ask, "Who are you?  Beaver Cleaver?".  It's arrogant rhetoric.  Equating convictions with hate is how progressives operate.  Control freaks preach tolerance while exhibiting intolerance. 

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