Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Nation of Fools

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions.... Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the “new wonderful good society” which shall now be Rome’s--interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, and more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'" - Cicero

Rome fell.  As do all empires.

A wise man once said....

Whenever a sentence begins with those 5 words, we are about to be subjected to something meaningful.  No one ever says, "A smart man once said" or "An educated man once said".  The reason is, wisdom trumps intelligence and education.

Intelligence is gained in a classroom behind books.
Wisdom comes from experience and learning from those experiences.

So, the election is over.

Jimmy Carter got his second term.  Yesterday is still today.  Nothing changed. 

As half of America believes the other half is stupid, the stupid half thinks the other half is more stupid.  Both sides are wrong.

We are a nation of fools.  A nation that doesn't learn from history.  A nation that is willing to elect a man with a messiah complex just because he makes us feel good.  We are swayed by words and rhetoric while ignoring actions.

A wise man would look at unemployment figures, food stamp recipients, gas prices, the deficit, scandals, broken promises, and inflation.  He would then elect someone whose fingerprints aren't stamped on those statistics.

We can blame Congress or blame the other party until we realize that Congress, both houses, were under democrat control from 2006 to January 2011.  We can forgive the president until we realize that he has signed 141 executive orders bypassing separation of powers and literally defying our constitution.

A wise man knows that any president, regardless of party, who ignores our constitution is a traitor to this country.

We are a nation of fools.  A nation willing to settle on the lesser of two evils.  A nation that believes evil has different degrees. 

Politicians are not the problem in America.  We are.

Politicians are merely a symptom of what ails this country.

We elect the same people over and over; then, we expect different results.  It is the definition of insanity.

We have become a country that loves our political parties more than our country herself.  We would rather be right then seeing the right things happen.

How do I know this?  Because half of America is calling the other half stupid while the stupid half is calling the other half more stupid.

We aren't a stupid country.  We are a foolish one.

Rome fell because the masses became lazy.  They idolized their leaders as if they were Gods.  They sacrificed their freedoms for a false sense of security.   The Roman emperors all knew that the Romans were only concerned about 2 things:  Bread and Circus. 

Rome was divided and conquered by her own leaders.  As the empire burned, Nero fiddled. 

We are a nation of fools that believes preemptive war prevents war.  A nation, so disillusioned, that words, no matter how untrue they are, would rather feel good by those words than the reality of the lies that exist within those words. 

We are a nation that will elect the same people in power every year then point our fingers at everyone else.

A wise man recently said, "'Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.'

That wise man was referring to us.
All of the problems in this country cannot be blamed on one political party or even one man. 

The blame lies on us.

The fools.

1 comment:

  1. Cicero? Marcus Tullius Ciecero?
    Wasn't that the same guy who said, "In a republic this rule ought to be observed: that the majority should not have the predominant power."
    Yeah, he's the guy you need to quote when it comes to democracy and liberty.
