Thursday, November 1, 2012

Where is our fear of God?‏

After a couple weeks of overplayed Rapture jokes,we have finally entered the early hours of May 21st... the day of judgment according to a small church.

 At first, the jokes were contained to this misguided church.  Then as the days became closer to today, the jokes became an all out assault on Christians.  Ridiculing Christians became the new funny.  We believers in an all-mighty God and his Word became a punch line.

I've sat here quietly and read the statuses of those here on Facebook.
I've listened to the people on CNN's website.

People everywhere turning a false prediction by a misguided church into the bashing of Christianity.

I have two choices:  Speak up and leave myself open to ridicule or remain silent and allow others to mock the faith I hold close to me.

I have decided to speak my mind.  Carefully.

Most people sense that something is on the horizon.  Believers, non believers, most people sense that this world is not getting better.  Optimism is an all-time low.

Extreme weather is being seen everywhere.  Radiation from the meltdown of Japan's nuclear plants is in our air.  FEMA is in the middle of preparing various states for mass evacuations due to the trembling of the earth along the San Madrid fault line.

Wars are everywhere.  We are helping Al-Queda fight against Kadafi in Libya.  Our supposed mortal enemies are our friends.  We are threatening war against Pakistan, Syria and Iran as I speak while China is selling military hardware to those countries.  One wrong move by one country and war will be inevitable.

Gas prices continue to rise.  Food prices are getting insane.  With the flooding being seen in the Midwest, food shortages are a real possibility this fall.

This world is on the verge of something.

These aren't even my opinions. These are facts.

I suppose being an atheist now would be easy.  Ignorance is bliss.  Denial is a defense mechanism.  It's also lazy and arrogant.  But I won't go there.... yet.

A good friend and I were discussing world events the other night.  We began to talk about how this once greatly blessed nation became an economic mess, a cultural cesspool and quite frankly, an immoral body.  We were trying to determine how our moral compass is spinning out of control.

We've become a nation of "if it feels good, do it" while cleverly calling it 'progressive'.

We've become a nation that expects others to fix our problems.

Self-reliancy has been conformed into expectations.

Technology has replaced the thirst for knowledge.

We are a shell of who we once were.

Personally, I believe the reason is because we have lost our fear of God.  And when I say 'fear', I am speaking about respect.

We once were a nation filled with believers.  No, not everyone was a Christian but most people sustained a belief in a higher power.  Now, being an atheist or even agnostic is the new cool.

It is now considered the new intellectual enlightenment to say there is no God.  Christians are the ones with low IQ's and everyone else is their intellectual superior.

The fear of God is gone and has been replaced with some arrogant humanistic philosophy.

Look, the Rapture is not happening today.  Most likely.  It does not mean it is not coming someday.  Soon.

No matter what our belief systems, our minds are not capable of understanding the truth.

I spoke to someone on here just last week who told me that she believes mankind was created by aliens.  She was serious.  I could not mock her belief system.  I simply asked her, "who created the aliens?"  She had no answer.

Our minds cannot understand certain things.  We, in our infinite arrogance, can try.  We can dismiss things we don't see and claim they don't exist.  It's lazy but it is a natural human response.

Me, I believe in God.  I believe He sent His son to die for us.  I believe in His Word.

And I believe in the Rapture.

These aren't funny times.  I'm not laughing as people choose to mock anyone that believe in something.

These are comforting times for those of us who believe in God.  As prophecies unfold, it only reinforces what we believe to be true.  And if we Christians are wrong and have been wrong for centuries, what have we lost?

The better question is...

If the atheists and non believers are wrong, what will they lose?

Think about it.

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