Friday, December 21, 2012

The Better Half

The Titanic was sinking.  There were enough life boats to accommodate about half the passengers. 

So, half were left to drown.

Half were saved.

The better half, according to the movie.  The wealthy and powerful.  The elite.

I watched the movie last night.  Maybe, it was the fourth time I've seen it but it was definitely the first time, I enjoyed it.

It's an ironic movie depicting an ironic tragic event IF you realize it's just a three hour metaphor.

In the last 20 years, we've had a few tragic events.  The oklahoma city bombing, 9/11, Columbine, Hurricane Katrina, the BP Oil Spill and the recent Sandy Hook shooting.

All of these events were immediately followed by....


Knee jerk reactions.

The passengers of the Titanic immediately begged for solutions.  Who did they beg to?  The better half sitting in their life boats.

"They hate us for our freedoms", President Bush quipped.  Immediately, our freedoms were handed over.

Hello Patriot Act.  Goodbye 4th Amendment.
Hello NDAA.  Goodbye 5th Amendment.

Our constitution was written by the better half but these weren't men who saved themselves as their ship was sinking.  These were men who grabbed muskets and fought battles against tyranny.  It was their first hand knowledge of the dangers of tyranny that resulted in our Bill of Rights.

The better half back then truly were better.  It's because they used their power and influence to save US.  You and me.  And those before us and those who come after US.

In 2018, 15,000 drones will be patrolling our skies; watching us. 

The better half has a new pair of binoculars so they can keep an eye on us from the safety of their life boats.

It's for our own good, they say.

Freedom is dangerous.  It's a fact.  But I will counter that argument with another fact: an unchecked government is more dangerous.  The ashes of history prove that.

Do I want to live in a country where only the cops and government have guns?


You tell me.

Right now, we are being told that the current administration is looking into ways to curb gun violence.  The better half, the wealthy who have armed bodyguards by their side at all times, are looking for ways to ensure you and I can't protect our families.  From them.  From anyone.

They will protect us.  From their life boats.

After a few weeks of sound bites, we will be told that no freedom loving American needs a semi-automatic weapon.  The masses will find common sense in that misleading statement. 

They will tell us that the 2nd amendment didn't intend for us to have heavy weaponry. 

Of course, the first amendment never mentioned the internet in regards to freedom of speech.  But don't worry, the better half will be using that argument later.

The Hegelian Principle:
1.  Govt creates a crisis
2.  The masses react with anger and outrage.  FEAR.
3.  The masses then demand a solution to the crisis.
4.  Govt swoops in with a solution to the very crisis they created.

It's how the better half governs.

Our constitution is on life support.

It's up to us to revive it.

You and me.

The better half.



    Watch this video when you get a chance. Great blog by the way :P

  2. Nice! I agree with the 2nd Amendment and the RIGHT to BEAR ARMS.
