Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Perfect Loneliness

That pedestal I put you on was nothing more than a novelty; a twisted, well intended form of idolatry.  Perfection is a possibility; even in this case of loneliness.  You want equality.  I want harmony.  And they cannot co-exist. 

I resist your independence.  You disregard my sentiment; redefine it as arrogant.  Back and forth, the staring game.  I would blink first, your holiness.  I'm just aiming for the perfect loneliness.

Have I reached the point of indifference?  Maybe yes.  Maybe no.  Turn up that sad song on the radio.  Let me drown out my own feelings as you sing where art thou, my Romeo.

Those butterflies; they flutter still.  No one speaks of the elephant.  Dead horse twitches against my will.  My thoughts and feelings; never relevant.  And that's alright, I'm stuck in a spider's web.  Chasing you with a butterflies net.   Back and forth, the staring game.  I would blink first, my Juliet.  I'm just aiming for the perfect loneliness.

Neurotic weather up ahead.  Days of summer no longer a novelty.   All these things I dare to dread; just a self fulfilled prophecy.  I'm alone and that's alright.  Loneliness; no one's monopoly.  You're alone and that's alright.  We've got each other in perfect autonomy.

I think we've found that perfect loneliness. 


  1. Beautiful written with so many underlying "truths" when it comes to some relationships.

  2. Over time, the loneliness becomes quite comfortable. It's not so bad...
