Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Perception is not Reality

Have you ever met someone who is overly concerned about their image?  Someone whose number one priority is convincing everyone he is a nice guy?  The man who overcompensates for his lack of character by overstating his belief that he is misunderstood?

It is this man who cares about one thing:  Perception.

He lives by the flawed statement that Perception is Reality.

Perception is reality is as much true as a mirage in the desert is actually a pool of water.

As much as we want to believe there is a watering hole straight ahead, the closer we get to it, we are still the same distance away from it... that is because that pool of water does not exist.

And this holds true to those people who want to be seen for something they are not.

True character is not revealed in words, it is exposed by our actions. 

So, to those people who are busy trying to convince the rest of us that you are misunderstood; actions speak louder than words.

Over the last few years, I have learned a lot about myself and others on social networks.

Because Facebook is just a microcosm of the real world, the lessons learned here hold true outside of here.

There is a lot of evil and a lot of good here.

Ironically, the good I have found here is often labeled as "evil" by those who are perceived as good.  I have come to the conclusion that anyone who labels another group of people as "evil" are themselves the evil ones.

Evil hates to be exposed so what they do is deflect the focus off of themselves and direct it at others.

Wearing a Bill Cosby sweater does not make you Bill Cosby.  Having a default picture of yourself posing with children or man's best friend does not mean you are a good person.  It just means you want to give off the impression that you are a good person.

In other words, it is a perception; not necessarily, reality.

Evil isn't cloaked in a cape and a pitchfork.

Evil is disguised by a coke and a smile.

And this isn't to say that all men who are giving the impression of being nice guys are really full of shit, it just means that evil will disguise itself with a false perception.

Perception is a false reality until proven otherwise.

My point is this.... don't trust anyone.  Don't open up your heart to everyone you meet because there are people out there that will use the contents in your own heart to hurt you.

Kindness is quiet.  Love is a verb. 

And perception is a mirage in the desert.

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