Monday, January 28, 2013

Owning up and Trickle down‏

I had to laugh a few years ago when Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession.  I didn't laugh because she is an annoying parasite living off of her family name.  I laughed because a few years prior,  I watched an interview with her on Larry King.

When Larry asked her if she did drugs or has ever taken drugs, she flat out replied, "NO".  At the time, there were already many pictures of her circulating online that she smoked pot often.  Despite these pictures, she still vehemently denied using drugs habitually or recreationally

At the time, it was funny to me.  A couple years later and here she was getting arrested for something more dangerous than pot.

I wish people would just own up to their indiscretions.

A few years ago, major league baseball player, Raphael Palmeiro, stood before Congress denying he ever took steroids.

"I have never taken steroids.  Period."  His exact words.

Five months later, he tested positive for steroids and was suspended from baseball.

Once again, somebody not owning up to their sins.

The list of famous people not owning up to things is long:  OJ, Lance Armstrong, and even a President.
President Clinton redefined sexual relations after evidence came forward that he indeed had sexual relations with Monica.

The most powerful man in the world claimed that he was unaware that a blowjob could be construed as sexual relations.  It was wishful thinking.  A nation of men waited with bated breath to see if he would be implicated for perjury.

Bill Clinton ALMOST single-handedly made blowjobs no different than hugging a woman.

"Honey, I didn't cheat on you.  She just gave me a blowjob."  That could have been the new unwritten law of adultery IF his lie was believed by Congress. 

The House of Representatives found him guilty of perjury and obstruction.  It was the Senate that acquitted him; democrats voted against impeachment and republicans voted for it.  It was a 55-45 vote that cleared him of all charges.

And then the debate ensued... Is a blowjob sex?

It was a stupid argument for stupid people.  It's another case of people blurring the lines of what is right and what is wrong.

Moral relativity.

My issue with him at the time wasn't that he cheated on Hillary.  I've always believed their marriage was a sham; a well thought out union of two political opportunists.  I don't believe any woman would stay with a man who has reportedly cheated on her for over a decade unless your agenda is greater than growing old with the one you love.

But that's just my opinion.

My issue with Clinton was he should have owned up to his mistake from the beginning.  What a great lesson he could have taught the children of the world by being straightforward and admitting he was a flawed man. 

A whole generation of kids learned the word blowjob thanks to our President.

I do recognize that it is human nature to lie when you have been discovered to be a fraud or when the perception people have of you is entirely wrong.

We all have a difficult time owning up to our faults and shortcomings and even our misdeeds.

While considering President Clinton's ridiculous argument that a blowjob is not synonymous with sexual relations, I was reminded of an interview that Sharon Stone gave back in 2006.

She was asked about her views on AIDS and young people having sex.  Here is her quote:

"Young people talk to me about what to do if they're being pressed for sex? I tell them (what I believe): oral sex is a hundred times safer than vaginal or anal sex. "If you're in a situation where you cannot get out of sex, offer a blow job. I'm not embarrassed to tell them."

Read that again.  I had to read a few times to make sure I wasn't "mishearing" her.

The new morality according to Ms. Stone is offer a blowjob when being pressured to have sex.

What happened to just saying NO?

If my future daughter is with a boy pressuring her to have sex, I wouldn't expect her to compromise with said horny dude.  I would expect her to say NO.

And what is this "if youre in a situation where you cannot get out of sex'?  Wouldn't that situation be called rape?

If you are in a situation where NO will not be taken as an answer, then you are being raped.  End of story.

Ms. Stone wants 15 year olds to offer a blowjob to said rapist.

I blame President Clinton.... because according to him, a blowjob is not sexual relations.

You see what happens when we don't own up to things?

1 comment:

  1. very well stated Hurl

    "If you are in a situation where NO will not be taken as an answer, then you are being raped. End of story"
