Saturday, October 27, 2012

I know why we are a Blessed Nation

Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord- Psalm 33:12

We, Americans, take our blessings for granted.  We are spoiled children.

I went to the grocery store earlier tonight and when I realized they were out of Marie Calender Chicken Pot Pies, I just about complained to management.  It was the first thing written on my food list.   It's funny when we realize how conditioned we are to expect what we want to be where we want when we want it.

Since I was a kid, I've been told how fortunate I am compared to the rest of the world.  "Eat your broccoli, there are kids in Africa who don't have food."  Funny how that never applied to mom when I attempted to make her my own special recipe of scrambled eggs with pieces of Cap'NCrunch cooked within.

As a kid, I was always told how fortunate I was.  I never asked why.  I just presumed that my world was the same world every other kid existed in.  They were forced to eat broccoli as I was and their parents refused to eat their version of scrambled eggs.

I got older and started realizing that mom was right.  A little trip down to the city dump in a town just inside Mexico opened my eyes just as much as all the benefit concerts for the starving people of Ethiopia did in the mid-80's.

I got older, I stepped outside the vacuum I had created and began to recognize how blessed we are.

Then, the whys began to form in my mind.  Why are we blessed?  What makes this fairly young country so much more fortunate than the rest of the world?  And that is when I was introduced to Psalms 33:12.

Politically incorrect or not, I am not afraid to point out that I believe there is a correlation between third world countries and their Islamic faiths or the dismal hopelessness found in many Communists countries.

Find me a country whose Judeo-Christian God is their Lord and I will show you a blessed nation.

Find me a country that is losing their sight on the God that blessed them and I will show you a country soon to learn how the rest of the world lives.  As our respect for God dwindles here and atheism becomes the new intellectually cool trend, I expect this country to erode even more just as Rome did.

I believe it.

History is on my side.

Funny thing is what I've written so far will make some uncomfortable.  It may even result in me being called racist or an intolerant right wing religious zealot.

So be it.

Last night was rather interesting.  Myself and two others were in a group here; one of those groups that wield conspiracy theories as truth and spin paranoia like its the normal reaction to common trends and events.

The three of us were commenting on a specific posted picture.  It was a photoshopped picture of an Israeli soldier stepping on a Palestinian child.  The theme of the thread was how evil the Jews are.  It was posted by a Muslim dude living in Pakistan.

The three of us took exception to this propaganda.  When confronted with the facts about Muslims and their history of suicide bombs at bus stops where Israeli kids wait for school or the mere mention of honor killings, sexual mutilation of women, the 1972 Olympics, hijackings and anything else done in the name of Allah, the justification for all this by this Muslim man was that the Jews are much worse.  But according to him and his sympathizers in this group, we don't hear about the Jewish atrocities because the Jews own the media and they refuse to report it.

That was his defense.

Now, to be fair, I will mention that THEY claimed to be referring to Zionists not Jews.  Semantics.   It's kinda like a KKK member calling a black man an African American  instead of the N word.  It's semantics.  Sugarcoating a name to disguise your message of hate is still hate.

The conversation in this thread was, in my opinion, respectful.   I believe the three of us handled ourselves well despite feeling like we were about to be stoned for daring to defend Israel.

So, this Muslim man living in Pakistan was trying to convince me that he loves the good Jews.  It's the Zionists or bad Jews he wants eliminated.  "Okay", I thought.  "Maybe my preconceived notions are wrong".

He spoke eloquently.  He called us "brother" and even threw in a smiley face at the end of each of his anti-semitic sentences.  He was convincing.  He seemed kind.

However, I forgot that evil always presents itself with a coke and a smile not with horns and a pitchfork.  And yes, I believe evil is the driving force behind what he and the others consider a just cause.

So, I asked this guy if he believed the Holocaust was a lie.  And then his true agenda was revealed.  Dig deep enough beyond the rhetoric and you'll always find one's true agenda.

"Yes, the Holocaust was drama created by Hitler who was a half breed Jew who killed a few Jews in order to get a country for all future Jews."   I am paraphrasing but basically the Muslim man began to prove that he does not differentiate between good Jews and bad Jews.  All Jews are bad in his mind.

It was a fascinating exchange of beliefs and cultural views.  It was even more fascinating to see fellow Americans espouse his twisted worldly views.

I believe strongly in Israel's right to exist.  I do so because God promised to bless those nations that bless His people, the Jews:

“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Anyway, I recognize this is a social forum of people with varying opinions.  I am not in any way, shape or form claiming all Muslims are evil.  I don't dare generalize.  I just find it ironic that we get in trouble for spewing Muslim stereotypes but we are told to remain silent when they spew their Anti-Israel rhetoric.

Political correctness in a free country is no better than censorship in an oppressive one.

We are a blessed Nation.

And I know why.

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